We hope this page provides information that helps make your visit to the NIH Clinical Center as smooth as possible. Visit Welcome to Our Patients and Their Visitors for additional useful information.
The Department of Bioethics provides a Bioethics Consultation Service, the goal of which is to provide analysis and facilitate discussion about a range of ethical issues that can arise in caring for patient subjects or during the course of research conducted at the Clinical Center.
The NIH Clinical Center FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal is a secure system that connects our patients to important resources. The NIH Clinical Center FollowMyHealth® Patient Portal is designed to provide our patients with access to key medical information regarding care they received at the Clinical Center including lab test results, radiology results and more. Using FollowMyHealth® is optional.
The Clinical Center will help patients obtain stainless steel Medic-Alert bracelets and necklaces for patients whose medical problems warrant them. Contact your social worker to obtain the order form for this identification. To ensure the accuracy of the information on the bracelet or necklace, you should talk with your doctor about how to state your medical condition.
More than 1,300 physicians, dentists, and PhD researchers work in the NIH Clinical Center. The Meet Our Doctors web page allows you to learn more about some of our doctors. You can search by name, department or area of expertise.

The Nutrition Department is committed to provide excellent service. Clinical Center patients are offered meals and nourishments to meet specific nutritional needs. Service includes meals to inpatient units, day hospitals, and outpatient clinics.
Visit our Nutrition Department web pages to learn more about the nutrition services available to our patients.

Palliative care provides skilled management of symptoms from the burden of disease and treatments and allay suffering (psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual). Examples of these symptoms may include pain, constipation, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite to name a few. Our aim is to improve patient and family quality of life while allowing medical providers to continue to focus on the clinical trial.
Visit our Pain & Palliative Care web pages to learn more about the services available to our patients.
The Pharmacy Department provides pharmaceutical care to inpatients and outpatients on NIH intramural research protocols at the NIH Clinical Center. Clinical Center pharmacy staff provide sophisticated research support to health care providers as well as clinical investigators. Pharmacists conduct and participate in research programs that enhance knowledge regarding investigational drugs and new uses of commercially available agents.
Visit our Pharmacy Department web pages to learn more about the services available to our patients.
Our Health Information Management Division provides step by step instructions for How to Request a Copy of Your Medical Records.

Providing care to a family member or friend can be challenging experience.
Family members and friends serving as caregivers provide unconditional emotional, practical and physical support. Activities can include maintaining the home, preparing meals, administering medications, tending to medical needs, driving to medical appointments, coordinating medical care, and providing support and encouragement. Each situation is different and as the disease and/or treatment changes so does the caregiver’s role.
This partnership is essential to support a loved one who is dealing with the challenges of serious illness or treatment. This list of federal online Caregiver Resources provides more information on or help with caregiving topics such as safety at home, managing emotional and physical stress, and managing medical/nursing tasks at home.
As America's Research Hospital, we strive to provide excellent care for our patients. Now patients and care providers can meet with each other virtually through telehealth visits while at the Clinical Center, at home or other preferred, private locations.
Learn more about Telehealth at the Clinical Center.
The Radiology Imaging Library uses an NIH-approved secure file sharing service, BOX, to upload imaging studies performed outside of the Clinical Center to the Radiology Imaging Library. The images will be available for your NIH clinical contact service or representative to review.
Detailed instructions are available for How to Upload Your Imaging Studies to the Radiology Imaging Library.