Palliative care provides skilled management of symptoms from the burden of disease and treatments and allay suffering (psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual). Examples of these symptoms may include pain, constipation, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite to name a few. Our aim is to improve patient and family quality of life while allowing medical providers to continue to focus on the clinical trial. Please explore this page to learn more about our program and the specialty of palliative care.

Pain and Palliative Care Service Highlights

NIH Healing Experience of All Life Stressors
Healing Experience of All Life Stressors was developed by the NIH Clinical Center Pain and Palliative Care Service as a psycho-social-spiritual measure of healing that assesses positive transformation in response to challenging life events.

Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship
This fellowship program is designed for candidates who have academic and clinical career goals in Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Fellows gain hospice and palliative medicine expertise as they provide consultations for medical, psychological, and spiritual concerns and coordinate team-based, holistic integrative approaches.

Mindfulness Based Self Care 10-Day Audio Program
The mindfulness program we are offering is designed to help cultivate and strengthen your innate ability to be mindful. It consists of 10 audio recordings from 10-25 minutes. These audio recordings focus on learning and practicing mindfulness basics.