Jon W.
McKeeby, DSc
Chief Information Officer, Clinical Center
Chief, Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Acting Chief, Biomedical Translational Research Informatics
Dr. Jon McKeeby is the Chief Information Officer for the NIH Clinical Center, the Chief of the Department of Clinical Research Informatics and the acting Chief of Biomedical Translational Research Informatics.
BS, Hope College, Michigan
MS, Bowling Green State University
DSc, George Washington University
MBA, Purdue Global Campus, Online
Dr. McKeeby has held the position of Chief Information Officer at the NIH Health Clinical Center and Department Head for the Department of Clinical Research Informatics since 2006 where he has been very focused on all aspects of information technology, electronic health records, databases and data warehouses. Dr. McKeeby has been a part of the Clinical Center team since 1991 where he has worked in various positions within the information technology departments. He went on to lead system development, database and web teams for the CC's information systems department prior to becoming the Deputy CIO and then CIO. DCRI merged with the Health Information Management Division in 2021. Since 2019, Dr. McKeeby has also served as the Acting Chief, Biomedical Translational Research Information System (BTRIS).
Dr. McKeeby has been part of project management teams for several enterprise-wide initiatives including implementation of the electronic health record (referred to as the Clinical Research Informatics System), Laboratory Information System, Radiology Information System, Nutrition, EKG, Interface Engine, and development of systems to support employee symptomatic and asymptomatic lab testing and COVID-19 employee vaccinations. Under his leadership, the department has met requirements for HIMSS Analytics Stage 7 for Acute Care (EMRAM) since 2015 and Ambulatory Care (O-EMRAM) since 2018.
Since 2005, Dr. McKeeby has been an adjunct assistant professor teaching several courses as part of Purdue Global Campus University's Masters of Science in Information Technology Program; as part of the Masters of Science in Information Technology at the University of Maryland Global College; and as part of the Doctorate of Information Technology Program at Walden University. He also served as the chair for 13 students receiving their Doctorate of Information Technology at Walden University.
- Team Clinical Center Director’s Awards for his work on SACRED, an automated credentialing system
- Team Clinical Center Director’s Awards for his work on PACSweb implementation
- Team Clinical Center Director’s Awards for his work on CRIS implementation
- Team Clinical Center Director’s Awards for his work on Pharmacogenomics Platform Design
- Team Clinical Center Director’s Awards for his work on COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic Systems Support
- Team Clinical Center Director’s Awards for his work on COVID-19 Lab Asymptomatic Clinic Support
- Clinical Center Director’s Award for his contributions to the Clinical Center and leadership of BTRIS
- NIH Director’s team award for intramural protocol data-management services
- NIH Director’s team award for Clinical Center Travel Team
- Top 50 for Federal IT Leadership as part of FedScoop 50, 2020
- FedHealthIT/100 which honors individuals who drive change in the Federal Health IT space, 2019
McKeeby JW, Olson, D., Way, C. (2022). Relax, Relate, Release. Talent Development Magazine.
McKeeby JW, S Coffey P, Houston SM, Kennedy RD, Schacherer R, Alboum S, Bergstrom S, Joyce MD. (2021). The Evolution of Information Technology Governance At The NIH Clinical Center. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2021 Jul 1;18(3):1c. PMID: 34858115; PMCID: PMC8580461.
Coffey, P., Owens, M., Carlson, S., Groves, A., Joyce, M.,Lee, L., Stephens, C., Martin, S., McKeeby, J. Wilder, J. (2021). Telehealth Caretakers. For The Record. 33 (1), 22-27.
McKeeby JW, Siwy CM, Revoir J, Carlson SD, Joyce MD, Bailin H, Frank KM, Krumlauf M, Matlock AM, Lee LM, Sparks M, Barnes T, Liu Y, Row CH, Schmitt JM, Smith D, Zelazny AM, Lonnerdal D, Coffey PS. Unveiling the silent threat among us: leveraging health information technology in the search for asymptomatic COVID 19 healthcare workers. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 Feb 15;28(2):377-383. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocaa237. PMID: 33165614; PMCID: PMC7717249.
Totten AH, Matlock AM, Bailin H, Revoir J, Siwy CM, Joyce M, Coffey P, Henderson DK, Palmore TN, Frank KM, McKeeby J. Experience with voluntary severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) testing of asymptomatic staff at the National Institutes of Health for one year. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021 Nov 2:1-3. doi: 10.1017/ice.2021.458. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34724999; PMCID: PMC8632445.
Coffey, P., McKeeby, J. (2018). Chapter 40: The EHR in Clinical Research. In Principles and Practice of Clinical Research, Third Edition, Gallin, J., Ognibene, F., Johnson, L. (Editors). Academic Press.
Coffey, P., Starr, M., Lardner, M., McKeeby, J. (2018). The Role of Information Governance in the Implementation of Patient Portals Journal of AHIMA.
Sissung, T. M., McKeeby, J. W., Patel, J., Lertora, J. J., Kumar, P., Flegel, W. A., Adams, S. D., Eckes, E. J., Mickey, F., Plona, T. M., Mellott, S. D., Baugher, R. N., Wu, X., Soppet, D. R., Barcus, M. E., Datta, V., Pike, K. M. DiPatrizio, G., Figg, W. D. and Goldspiel, B. R. (2017). Pharmacogenomics Implementation at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 57: S67–S77. doi:10.1002/jcph.993
Coffey, P., Postal, S., Houston, S., McKeeby, J. (2016). Lessons Learned from an Electronic Health Record Downtime. Perspectives in Health Information Management.
McKeeby, J., Yarington, J., Kennedy, R., Adams K., Carlson, S. (2015). Configuration Management for a Healthcare System. Journal of Healthcare Information Management. Volume 29, Number 2: Spring 2015.
Bergstrom, S., Snakenburg, B., Myrick T., Kocher, J., Carlson, S., Pitts, J., Gregg, A., McKeeby. J. (2015). Embedding Enterprise Architecture into the Organization Developing Processes. Journal of Healthcare Information Management. Volume 29, Number 2: Spring 2015.
Goldspiel, B. Flegel, W., DiPatrizio, G. Sissung, T., Adams, S., Penzak, S., Biesecker, L., Fleisher, T., Patel, J., Herion, D., Figg, W., Lertora, J. & McKeeby, J. (2013). Integrating pharmacogenetic information and clinical decision support into the electronic health record. J Am Med Inform Assoc doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001873
Way, Cynthia & Jon W. McKeeby. (2012). Systems Thinking as a Team-Building Approach Reflections: The SoL Journal, Volume 11, Number 4, February (2012) , pp. 44-49(6). Publisher: Society for Organizational Learning.
Way, Cynthia & Jon W. McKeeby. (2008). Systems Thinking as a Team-Building Approach. The Systems Thinker®. Pegasus Communications.
King, Jerry; McKeeby, Jon W. & Bayless, Jennifer. (1995). SACRED: An Automated Credentialing System. Topics in Health Information Management, 15(4).