Social Work Department

Patient Services

All patient services are organized on a departmental level, directed by a licensed and credentialed chief. Social work services, provided by licensed and credentialed social workers, are integrated with the work of other departments, patient care units, clinics, and institutes to ensure continuity of care and provide comprehensive healthcare. The department participates in the Clinical Center's Clinical Quality and Bioethics Committees.

Social Work Services

The Social Work Department provides many patient services including The Patient Emergency Fund, Wigs for Patients and many others.

Clinical Center social workers understand that illness and medical treatment affect not only the patient, but also the family as a whole.

If you or members of your family have difficulties or concerns during your stay, social workers are here to help. Social workers routinely screen all new inpatients and are also readily available to outpatients upon request.

You are encouraged to ask to speak with a social worker when you want to discuss concerns about your illness or NIH protocol participation. Often patients and families want to be able to discuss concerns about their families, their jobs, or difficult feelings. For example, sometimes patients or family members may find that they feel particularly anxious, depressed, or worried, and that they would like to speak with someone about it.

Social workers provide counseling. They can also help connect you and your family to valuable resources, support organizations, and public and private agencies to address your personal, financial, and health care problems. When you need special assistance with discharge, the social worker can work with your medical team to set up services, supplies, special equipment, rehabilitation, or home care.

There are several ways you can obtain social work services:

  • Call the Social Work Department at 301-496- 2381 and ask for a visit from a social worker.
  • Ask your doctor, nurse or any other member of your medical team to set up a meeting with your social worker.

Patient Services include the following:

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This page last updated on 07/12/2023

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