The Department of Transfusion Medicine provides clinical services to support NIH patients in need of blood component therapy, cellular therapy, therapeutic apheresis, and specialized laboratory diagnostics. In addition, it collects and prepares the blood components and cellular therapy products used in patient care at NIH, maintains an accredited Immunohematology Reference Lab, offers a fellowship program in Transfusion Medicine, and runs a training program for Specialists in Blood Banking.

Transfusion Medicine Highlights

Our Mission, Our Vision, Our Values
The mission of the Department of Transfusion Medicine is to provide high-quality patient care and hospital services in support of NIH clinical research programs, to pursue research that contributes to our knowledge and practice of transfusion medicine and related technologies, and to provide advanced training in transfusion medicine.

Our Research
Our goals include advancing the practice of transfusion medicine and cellular therapies, improving blood safety and advancing the science and technology of transfusion medicine and cellular therapy. Learn more about the research programs being conducted within DTM by our Laboratory Services Section, Blood Services Section, Cell Processing Section and Infectious Diseases Section.

Our Services
We provide high quality donor and patient transfusion services, and blood and cellular therapy products in support of NIH clinical research programs.
Thank you for your interest in us. We'll do our best to be helpful.
Department of Transfusion Medicine
10 Center Drive-MSC 1184
Building 10, Room 1C711
Bethesda, MD 20892-1184
(301) 496-4506