Gwenyth R.
Wallen, PhD, RN
Translational Biobehavioral and Health Disparities Branch
Senior Investigator
Gwenyth R. Wallen, PhD, RN, is a Tenured Senior Investigator and Branch Chief of the TBHD at the NIH Clinical Center
BSN, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
MA, Central Michigan University
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Dr. Wallen is also the Section Chief of the Clinical Practice Innovation in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Management Section within the TBHD. Dr. Wallen's research focus can be categorized into four major areas: 1) health behavior in the context of health disparities and chronic care management; 2) integrative self-care approaches to pain and symptom management; 3) respondent burden as an ethical issue in clinical research and 4) mixed methodologies and measurement. Prior to beginning her career as a clinical nurse scientist, she held advance practice roles as the Clinical Specialist for Neonatology and Clinical Manager of the Level III NICU at the Washington Hospital Center, in Washington, DC. Dr. Wallen also served as a post-doctoral research associate in the Department of Family Studies at the University of Maryland coordinating evaluation research for three state and local Responsible Fatherhood programs.
Extramurally, Dr. Wallen holds adjunct faculty position in the graduate school of nursing at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
Dr. Wallen has a BS in Nursing from the University of Maryland, a MA in Business Management and Supervision from Central Michigan University, and a PhD in Health Education from the University of Maryland. In 2008, she completed the 2-year University of Arizona Fellowship in Integrative Medicine as part of her developing portfolio of integrative health research.
Current Research Activities
Principal Investigator
NCT#03493958 Pilot RCT of web-based behavioral sleep intervention for individuals with alcohol use disorder NCT#02181569 Sleep Disturbance and Relapse in Individuals with Alcohol Dependence: An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study
NCT#02911077 Longitudinal Changes in the Oral and Gut Microbiome of Individuals with Alcohol Dependence IRB#000796 Associations Between the Cytokine and Metabolite-Associated Gut Microbiome Bacteria, Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features and Clinical Phenotype (craving, anxiety, and depression) in patients with Alcohol Use Disorder. (Lead AI: Dr. Katherine Maki)
Associate Investigator
NCT#02108080 Characterization Imaging Instruments for Addiction Neuroimaging Assessments (PI: Dr. Reza Momenan)
NCT#05170412 Dietary Intake and Dietary Behaviors in Adults With Sickle Cell Disease (PI: Dr. Nicole Farmer)
NCT#05411120 Mediterranean-like Unprocessed (CLEAN-MED) Diet Intervention Study of the Gut Microbiome of Healthy Adults (PI: Dr. Karen Frank)
NCT#04305431: Exploring a Dietary Behavior Intervention in African-Americans at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: A Community Acceptability and Feasibility Study (PI: Dr. Nicole Farmer)
NCT#04014348: Pilot Study for Geospatial Analysis of Neighborhood Environmental Stress in Relation to Biological Markers of Cardiovascular Health and Health Behaviors in Women (PI: Dr. Tiffany Powell-Wiley)
NCT#03288207 Tailoring mobile health technology to improve cardiovascular health in resource-limited neighborhood environments: a multi-level, community-based physical activity intervention (PI: Dr. Tiffany Powell-Wiley)
- National Institutes of Health Directors Award for Clinical Center Hospice Unit Initiation, 2019
- The Roy M. Dorcus Award for best paper in clinical hypnosis, Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2015
- Graduate Partnership Program Mentorship Award National Institutes of Health, National Institutes of Health, 2015
- National Institutes of Health/Clinical Center Director's Award for Education, 2015
- National Institutes of Health Graduate Partnership Program Mentorship Award, 2015
- National Institute of Heart Lung and Blood, Director's Award for Diversity in recognition of exceptional work to expand the diversity of the populations recruited in NHLBI protocols, 2014
- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Director's Science Award, 2013
- Writing Award for Excellence in Practice, American Academy of Nursing, 2012
- Hasselmeyer Award for Nursing Research Initiatives, U.S. Public Health Service, 2012
- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Director's Science Award, 2012
- National Institutes of Health Director's Award for Mentoring, 2012
- National Institutes of Health Director's Award for Administration, NIAMS National Multicultural Outreach Initiative, 2012
- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Director's Teaching/Training Award, 2011
- U.S. Public Health Service Chief Nurse Officer Award for Outstanding Contributions to Nursing, 2007
- National Institutes of Health/Clinical Center Director's Scientific Award, 2005
- National Institutes of Health/Clinical Center Director's Award for Education, 2002
Powell-Wiley TM, Baumer Y, Baah FO, Baez AS, Farmer N, Mahlobo CT, Pita MA, Potharaju KA, Tamura K, Wallen GR. Social Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease. Circ Res. 2022 Mar 4;130(5):782-799. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319811. Epub 2022 Mar 3. PMID: 35239404; PMCID: PMC8893132. Maki KA, Ganesan S, Meeks B, Farmer N, Kazmi N, Barb J., Joseph PV, Wallen GR. The Role of the Oral Microbiome in Smoking-Related Cardiovascular Risk: A Review of the Literature Exploring Mechanisms and Pathways. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2022 20: 584 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-022-03785-x.
Wallen GR, Middleton KR, Kazmi NB, Yang L, Brooks AT. A Randomized Clinical Hypnosis Pilot Study: Improvements in Self-Reported Pain Impact in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2021 Aug 19;2021:5539004. doi: 10.1155/2021/5539004. PMID: 34457024; PMCID: PMC8390131.
Brooks AT, Raju S, Barb J, Kazmi N, Chakravorty S, Krumlauf M, Wallen GR. Sleep regularity index in patients with alcohol dependence: daytime napping and mood disorders as correlates of interest. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020; Jan; 17(1): 331.
Wallen GR, Park J, Krumlauf M, Brooks AT. Identification of latent classes related to sleep, PTSD, depression and anxiety in individuals diagnosed with severe alcohol disorder. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 2019; 17(4): 514-523.
Brockie, T., Dana-Sacco, G.M., Wallen, G.R., Wilcox, H.C., Campbell, J.C. (2015). The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to PTSD, Depression, Poly-Drug Use and Suicide Attempt in Reservation-Based Native American Adolescents and Young Adults. American Journal of Community Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s10464-015-9721-3.
Matlock, A.M., Gutierrez, D., Wallen, G.R. (2015). Ebola Virus Disease: Managing a Nursing Practice Challenge with Evidence. Nursing Management, 46(2): 20-2.
Matlock, A.M., Gutierrez, D., Wallen, G.R., Hastings, C. (2015). Providing Nursing Care to Ebola Patients on the National Stage: The National Institutes of Health Experience. Nursing Outlook, 63: 21-24.
Wallen, G.R., Middleton, K.R., Ames, N., Brooks, A.T., Handel, D. (2014). Randomized Trial of Hypnosis as a Pain and Symptom Management Strategy in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease, Integrative Medicine Insights, 9: 25-33.
Slota, C., Ulrich, C.M., Miller-Davos, C., Baker, K, Wallen, G.R. (2014). Qualitative Inquiry: A Method for Validating Patient Perceptions of Palliative Care While Enrolled on a Cancer Clinical Trial. BMC Palliative Care, [Epub ahead of print] Sep 5;13:43. doi: 10.1186/1472-684X-13-43.
Brooks, A.T., Wallen, G.R. (2014). Sleep disturbances in individuals with alcohol-related disorders: a review of the cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and associated non-pharmacological therapies. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 8: 55-62.
Wallen, G.R., Brooks, A.T., Whiting, B., Clark, R., Krumlauf, M.C., Yang, L., Schwandt, M.L., George, D.T., & Ramchandani, V.A. (2014). The Prevalence of Sleep Disturbance in Alcoholics Admitted for Treatment: A Target for Chronic Disease Management. Family & Community Health, 37(4):288-97.
Wallen, G.R. (2014). Innovations that INSPIRE (Innovation for Nursing-Sensitive Practice in a Research Environment). Nursing Management, 45(9): 23-25.
Wallen, G.R., Minniti, C.P., Krumlauf, M., Eckes, E., Allen, D., Oguhebe, A., Seamon, C., Darbari, D.S., Hildesheim, M., Yang, L., Schulden, J.D., Kato, G.J., Taylor VI. J.G. (2014). Sleep Disturbance, Depression and Pain in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease. BMC Psychiatry. Jul 21;14(1):207. [Epub ahead of print].
Brooks, A.T., Andrade, R. E., Middleton, K.R., and Wallen, G.R. (2014). Social Support: A Key Variable for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Management in Hispanic Patients with Rheumatic Diseases. Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders, 7:21-26.
Brooks, A.T., Silverman, L., Wallen, G.R. (2013). Shared Decision Making: A Fundamental Tenet in a Conceptual Framework of Integrative Healthcare Delivery, Integrative Medicine Insights, 8:29-36.
Ames, N.J., Peng, C., Powers, J.H., Leidy, N.K., Miller-Davis, C., Rosenberg, A., VanRaden, M., Wallen, G.R. (2013). Beyond Intuition: Patient Fever Symptom Experience. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Epub ahead of print DOI: pii: S0885-3924(13)00229-7.
Wallen, G.R., Middleton, K.R., Miller-Davis, C., Tataw-Ayuketah, G., Todaro, A., Rivera-Goba, M., Mittleman, B. (2012). Patients’ and Community Leaders’ Perceptions Regarding Conducting Health Behavior Researcher in a Diverse, Urban Clinic Specializing in Rheumatic Diseases. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 6 (4): 405-415.
Wallen, G.R., Middleton, K.R., Miller-Davis, C., Tataw-Ayuketah, G., Todaro, A., Rivera-Goba, M., Mittleman, B. (2012). Rheumatic Disease Patients, Community Leaders and Health Behavior Researchers: Partners in Research. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 6 (4): 403-404.
Brooks, A.T., Krumlauf, M., Whiting B., Clark, R., and Wallen, G.R. (2012). Are you sleeping? Pilot Comparison of Self-Reported and Objective Measures of Sleep Quality and Duration in an Inpatient Alcoholism Treatment Program. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 6:135-139.
Ulrich, C., Knafl, K.A., Grady, C., Ratcliffe, S., Miller-Davis, C., Wallen, G.R. (2012). Developing a Model of the Benefits and Burdens of Research Participation in Cancer Clinical Trials. American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research, 3(2):10-23.
Wallen, G.R., Baker, K., Stolar, M., Miller-Davis, C., Ames, N., Yates, J., Bolle, J., Pereira, D., St. Germain, D., Handel, D. Berger, A. (2012). Palliative Care Outcomes in Surgical Oncology Patients with Advanced Malignancies: A Mixed Methods Approach. Quality of Life Research, 21(3): 405-415.
Bevans, M., Hastings, C., Wehrlen, L., Cusack, G., Matlock, A.M., Miller-Davis, C., Tondreau, L., Walsh, D., Wallen, G.R. (2011). Defining Clinical Research Nursing Practice: Results of a Role Delineation Study. Clinical and Translational Science, 4(6):421-427
Ames, N., Sulima, P., Yates, J., McCullagh, L., Gollins, S., Soeken, K., Wallen, G.R. (2011). The Effects of Systematic Oral Care in Critically Ill Patients: A Multicenter Study. American Journal of Critical Care, 20(5):e103-14. (Winner of the USPHS 2012 RADM Faye G. Abdellah Publication Award for Nursing Research)
Bevans, M., Wehrlen, L., Prachenko, O., Soeken, K., Zabora, J., Wallen, G.R. (2011). Distress Screening in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSCT) Caregivers and Patients. Psycho-Oncology, 20(6):615-22.
Wallen, G.R., Middleton, K.R., Rivera-Goba, M., Mittleman, B. (2011). Validation of English and Spanish-language Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Underserved Rheumatic Disease Patients. Arthritis, Research and Therapy. Jan 5;13(1):R1. [Epub ahead of print].
Visit Scopus for a full list of Dr. Wallen's publications.